karniz on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/karniz/art/Commission-2019-Information-390715218karniz

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karniz's avatar

Commission 2019 Information



Commission information for the 2019 season!
It's really appreciated for any interest I do get~ As freelancing is currently what pays my bills, hehe.

View my actual commission page for details and instructions on how to commission me!
[please do not send requests in DeviantART notes - I prefer e-mail for better keeping-track on information.]

You can view my previous commissions for examples of my work~
I basically can draw anything - I don't have a weakness and is willing to draw anything!
Men and/or ladies, [young, old, weak, strong...], machines, robots, cars, animals, plants, etc etc etc.

I will do nudity, but for portfolio reasons I will not do erotic illustrations.
[Fetishes do not count - I will refuse any and all fetish-related requests]

Signal boosting is also appreciated~ Thank you for viewing!
Image size
500x500px 579.36 KB
© 2013 - 2024 karniz
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-Throws wallet at-